Xiuyin CHEN

Graduate of the Japanese Language Program at the College of Foreign Languages of the Ocean University of China. Completed the doctoral program at the Graduate School of Humanities, Kobe University.Assistant at the University of Hamburg (Germany) and Kobe University. Part-time and full-time Lecturer at Kobe Design University and Japan University of Economics. Currently a Lecturer at Toyo University. Doctor Chen's research covers modern Japanese grammar, Japanese language education, Japanese linguistics, as well as corpus linguistics.


Graduated from the College of Japanese Language and Culture, School of Humanities and Culture, University of Tsukuba. Completed the doctoral program in Japanese Language Education at the Graduate School of Japanese Applied Linguistics, Waseda University. Ph.D. in Japanese Language Education.


After graduating from the AGU Department of English, worked at the Tokyo branch of Deutsche Bank and the Iraqi branch of a Japanese company in Basra before becoming involved in Japanese language education. Ph.D. (Academic). Served as a professor, dean of the Graduate School of Language and Culture Studies, and dean of the Department of Japanese Communication at Musashino University before assuming the current position.