Graduated from the College of Japanese Language and Culture, School of Humanities and Culture, University of Tsukuba. Completed the doctoral program in Japanese Language Education at the Graduate School of Japanese Applied Linguistics, Waseda University. Ph.D. in Japanese Language Education. Served as a specially appointed researcher for the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, a lecturer at Fudan University in China, an assistant professor at the Faculty of International Research and Education, Waseda University, a lecturer and associate professor at Toyo University, and an associate professor at Aoyama Gakuin University before assuming the current position. Research interests include multicultural coexistence, international cultural exchange, and Japanese language education, with a focus on Japanese language education for foreign students, business Japanese, Japanese language education for JSL children, Japanese language teaching materials analysis and development, language policy, history of Japanese language education, and dissemination of Japanese culture overseas. Awards include the 32nd Special Prize of the Ohira Masayoshi Memorial Award and the 2018 Japanese Language Education Society Encouragement Award.

Professor department name
University of Tsukuba (Professor)