Before contacting us, Please check the “FAQ” page first.
If the problem persists, please use the form below to contact us.
After receiving your inquiry, we will reply to the email address you entered within three business day.

  • Current Input screen
  • Confirmation screen
  • 送信完了

Enter the required information and proceed to the confirmation screen.

All are required items.

If you have an inquiry about a specific course / course, please also enter the target course name / course name.


Handling of personal information

Toyo University Global Service Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "we") recognizes the importance of the personal information (information that can identify an individual) provided by you and believes that it is our social responsibility to handle personal information properly, complies with the laws and regulations regarding personal information and internal rules, and properly obtains, uses, and manages the personal information handled by us. We may send emails to members regarding course announcements and attendance to the email address you have registered.

Please see the following link for more details.